Requirements modeling technology: a vision for better, faster, and cheaper systems

The paper discusses a vision, motivation, and objectives for a new engineering technology based on the Rosetta System Level Design Language (SLDL) that we call "requirements modeling". Requirements modeling is what systems engineers and systems analysts do with Rosetta SLDL. Rosetta SLDL is information technology that supports the specification of multi-technology, multifaceted, multi-discipline systems. Until the Rosetta SLDL emerged, no good way existed to help the design team "get its arms around" all of the requirements for a complex system. Requirements related issues are the most common source of systems engineering problems and they impact all aspects of product development. Requirements models help design teams stay "on the same page" with each other. Requirements modeling reduces cycle time, reduces costs, reduces the probability of overruns, and helps with support and sustainment of the product. Requirements models will be the input to many new and enhanced design automation tools and processes. The benefits of requirements modeling technology are wide reaching, because system requirements touch everything and everyone associated with a product.