Objective and subjective quality of service performance of video-on-demand in ATM-WAN

The Columbia VoD testbed is used to study the impact of a long distance and multi-switch connection and extreme conditions of impairments (delay variation, loss and error) on the objective and subjective Quality of Service (QoS) for VoD. This paper extends our preliminary results of the Columbia VoD testbed in an ATM-LAN. We compare the QoS performance (i.e., jitter, losses, and subjective parameters) in both LAN and WAN scenarios, and study the implications that these have on video servers and clients. Extensive measurements from real-time tests of VoD services over the ATM-WAN, between Columbia University in New York and GTE Laboratories in Massachusetts, and ATM-NEM connections have been collected. The goal of our experiments is to assess the objective and subjective QoS performance perceived by the end-user under different testing scenarios and extreme ATM impairment conditions. These scenarios comprise different combinations of video server mode of transmission, traffic, impairments and type of video client used. The results of our experiments allow us to get valuable information for the design of video servers and video clients.