Splenic artery and superior mesenteric artery blood flow: nonsurgical Doppler US measurement in healthy subjects and patients with chronic liver disease.

The accuracy of the duplex Doppler ultrasound system in the measurement of blood flow in the splenic artery and the superior mesenteric artery was evaluated in seven anesthetized dogs by comparing blood flow recordings obtained simultaneously with the electromagnetic flowmeter, with those obtained with the combination of B-mode and M-mode scanning. Various flow rates were produced by the infusion of dopamine. Splenic artery blood flow and superior mesenteric artery blood flow measured with the duplex system exhibited significant correlations with corresponding values obtained with electromagnetic flow measurements (r = .93 and r = .93, respectively). Changes in splanchnic circulation with the progression of chronic liver disease in humans were then investigated with the use of the duplex system. Splenic artery blood flow and superior mesenteric artery blood flow were significantly increased in patients with cirrhosis compared with patients with chronic hepatitis and healthy subjects. These results indicate that a hyperdynamic circulatory state may develop in the splanchnic circulation of the intestine and spleen in cirrhotic patients.