Analysis of multifunctional traffic environments

The following paper is a compilation of the ongoing Swedish PhD-project “Multifunctional streets in the city - towards a more attractive city for all users and stakeholders”. In focus are arterial streets, i.e. highly multifunctional traffic environments characterized of conflicting functions, with an extensive mix of traffic modes, activities and interests. The aim of the project is to clarify and develop different aspects of the traffic planning process, in order to facilitate the decision making and design process that concerns complex traffic environments. When planning and prioritizing it is fundamental to have knowledge of all factors a traffic environment consists of as well as how different user groups value these factors. Today, we have a good view of the relationships between objective, physical aspects as speed, dimensions, flow etc. What is missing is knowledge of how to collect and condense subjective opinions of environmental aspects and how to compare objective and subjective qualities like safety and security. In Swedish traffic planning focus lies on the five qualities safety, security, accessibility, character of the city and environmental influence. In the ongoing PhD-project these qualities will be analysed, complemented and broken down into assessable indicators. The goal is to map out cause-effect relationships and create a planning aid which helps the planner decide and prioritize among single qualities and combinations of qualities. The objective is to assist the planners and decision makers to see which costs and benefits that follow e.g. a lowering of speed or narrowing of the lanes for car traffic. (Less)