AN earlier trial (1959) indicated that 0-25% prednisolone ointment was approximately equivalent to 1% hydrocortisone ointment. This result was accepted by Sneddon (1960) who considered that the two applications gave " much the same results ". However, Baer and Witten (1960) questioned the accuracy of the comparison on the grounds that the different bases of the applications might have influenced the result. An attempt has been made to compare the local action of dexamethasone on the skiti with that of hydrocortisone. One tablet of 0-75 mg. dexamethasone is claimed by the manufacturers to be equivalent to 20 mg. of hydrocortisone. However, Hart (1959) found that the comparative equivalent of 20 mg. of hydrocortisone was probably about 0-85 mg. of dexamethasone. If the mean of 0-75 and 0-85 mg. is taken then 1% of hydrocortisone should be equivalent to 0-04% of dexamethasone.

[1]  P. Inman COMPARISON OF TOPICAL STEROIDS. , 1959, The British journal of dermatology.