VANET for leveraging for caching network content distribution

To improve support network-centric information worldwide network storage cache the content server. Communication vehicle is not safe, and shows the first security application. However, the content server suffers from using the TCP / IP Internet network and the vehicles of lower mortgage rates in general and urban areas where the roof or on non-broadcast media in addition to the radio precision. To solve this problem, connect a network caching system comes to the customer with the transport paper files to establish a network of the vehicle in which all vehicles as customer files or cache transfer unknown file another request. Policy Cache A copy of the complete vehicle distribution network according to any interested. Performance evaluation by comparing the system with solutions and simulation tools ++ and vascular systems, TCP / IP and Sumo existing, the World Urban Forum and the current traffic situation is carried out difficult but realistic, thanks to the design of our software at any vehicle. Check the simulation results, the system is the fourth part: The strength of the construction of the dam, reliable and flexible various traffic load, the low consumption of the United Steelworkers and Internet resources and deposition rate.