Integrated weed management in marigold under irrigated sub-tropical conditions of Jammu & Kashmir

A field experiment was conducted during the rabi seasons of 2007-08 to 2009-10 to find out the relative efficiency of weed management practices in marigold (Tagetes erecta Linn). The results indicated that a significantly higher weed control efficiency was achieved with the treatments of two hand weedings (20, 40 DAS) followed by trifluralin 1.0 kg/ha pre-plant incorporation (PPI) + 1HW. The data on yield and yield attributing characters viz., plant height stem diameter, number of leaves/plant, number of flowers/plant and flower yield were significantly influenced by various weed management treatments. The highest flower yield 29140 kg/ha was recorded with the application of two hand weedings which was at par with trifluralin 1.0 kg/ha pre-plant incorporation fb 1HW. Significantly lowest flower yield of marigold was recorded in weedy check plots.