Time and the brain
Empirical Evidence about Temporal Structure in Multi-unit Recordings, A.E.P. Villa Cross Correlograms for Neuronal Spike Trains. Different Types of Temporal Correlation in Neocortex, their Origin and Significance, L.G. Nowak and J. Bullier The Space-Time Continuum in Mammalian Sensory Pathways, A.A. Ghazanfar and M.A.L. Nicolelis Information Flow Along Neocortical Axons, H.A. Swadlow Psychophysics of Human Timing, T.H. Rammsayer and S. Grondin Cortical Processing by Fast Synchronization: High Frequency Rhythmic and Non-rhythmic Signals in the Visual Cortex Point to General Principles of Spatio-Temporal Coding, R. Eckhorn EEG Alpha Activity and Cognitive Processes, W. Klimesch Theta Frequency, Synchronization and Episodic Memory Performance, W. Klimesch Distributed Assemblies, High Frequencies, and the Significance of EEG/MEG Recordings, F. Pulvermuller Cell Assemblies, Associative Memory and Temporal Structure in Brain Signals, T. Wennekers and G. Palm The Relation Between EEG and Evoked Potentials, E. Basar, S. Karakas, E. Rahn, and M. Schurmann Coherence and Phase Relations Between EEG Traces Recorded from Different Locations, P. Rappelsberger, S. Weiss, and B. Scack Temporal Structure of Neural Activity and Models of Information Processing in the Brain, G.N. Barisyuk, R.M. Borissyuk, and Y.B. Kazanovich