Simulations of the LEDA RFQ 6.7-MeV accelerator

The codes PARMTEQM and RFQTRAK simulate the beam transport through the radio-frequency-quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator for the low-energy-demonstration accelerator (LEDA). They predict 95% transmission for a matched 110-mA proton beam with a normalized-RMS emittance of 0.02 mm mrad. RFQTRAK simulates the effects of arbitrary vane-tip misalignments. This RFQ includes some new features in its design. It consists of four resonantly coupled 2-m-long segments that make up its 8-m length. It has higher vane-gap voltages at the high-energy end than the low-energy end. The entrance end of the RFQ has lower transverse focusing strength to facilitate beam matching. The exit of the RFQ has a transition cell and a radial-matching section. The exit radial-matching section matches the beam into the following accelerator.