STEP을 이용한 범용 시스템 간의 데이터 교환에 관한 연구
Recently, the industry needs to share manufacturing data among functional groups of the enterprise as well as to share product data throughout its life-cycle because of increasing of competitions and of globally common development. In the 1980s, several of the international standards bodies came to the conclusion that the current generation of translation methods, based on files formats such as DXF and IGES were not capable of supporting complex data models of engineering products. This study is to control as product model to be standardized information raised by structure design and to develop translator utilizing CIS/2 for AP230 that is one of STEP application protocols, to propose process to share structural design data for effective data exchange among commercial packages. As a result, the implemented system can perform more efficient and precise design work, because it is possible to fully exchange electronic data among different programs, such as SAP2000, Xsteel and MIDAS GENw, etc.