OWING to the somewhat contradictory results which have been obtained by various investigators as to the nature of the Micrococcus neoformans and the relation which this organism bears to malignant disease, we have thought it advisable to place on record our observations in a large number of cases of carcinomata, sarcomata and certain cases of anaemia which are known to run a fatal course. Doyen (1886), in a preliminary note communicated to the Academy of Sciences of Paris, stated that he had found small spherical bodies in malignant and other growths which he regarded as micro-organisms. In 1902, at the Surgical Congress, at Berlin, he stated further that he had isolated a micro-organism from simple and malignant growths which, when inoculated into animals, gave rise to neoplastic formations. To this organism he gave the name M. neoformans. In his opinion new growths resulted from an infection of the body with this organism. Since then he has published a number of observations showing the beneficial effects which may be obtained by the employment of a vaccine or serum against the M. neoformans in malignant disease.