Cooperation between Humans and a Pedagogical Assistant in a Learning Environment

We present a Pedagogical Assistant (PA), which is an advisor in an interactive learning environment. The PA must cooperate, in the one hand, with a group of learners, and, in the other hand, with a teacher that have to manage sessions between the PA and the learners. The PA must face two types of cooperation. We study them as embedded in two spaces of cooperation : a local-cooperation space and a global-cooperation one. In the former, a group of learners cooperates with the PA. In the later, the teacher cooperates with several local-cooperation spaces through the PA. These two types of cooperation occur at different levels and in different workplaces. Two interdependent systems constitute the PA to allow cooperation between a teacher and the learners. The first system help learners to realize a project, and thus acts as a learning cooperative system. The second system works with the teacher to configure a localcooperation space and analyze the cooperation within the local-cooperation space. In this paper, we present the model of the learning environment based on different cooperation spaces, the model of the learning cooperative system and the implementation of these models in a real-world application. Topics : Models of Cooperation, Learning Cooperative System, Applications Field : Human-Computer Interaction Cooperation between Humans and a Pedagogical Leroux P., Vivet M., Brézillon P. 2 Assistant in a Learning Environment