Pelvic disorders in women: chronic pelvic pain and vulvodynia.

Chronic pelvic pain and vulvodynia are frustrating pelvic disorders seen in young adult women. In the medical literature, these two conditions are linked together under the category of "chronic pelvic pain syndromes." Underlying pathophysiology is not well understood, and relatively scant research is available on successful treatment options. Patients often seek the help of specialists who provide nonsurgical treatments for incontinence and related pelvic disorders. This article provides an overview of the clinical presentation of both chronic pelvic pain and vulvodynia. Specific evaluation techniques, including abdominal, pelvic, bimanual rectal-vaginal, and neurologic examinations, are described. Several practical treatments, such as dietary interventions, vitamin supplementation, muscle relaxation training, biofeedback therapy, and electrical stimulation are discussed as options in a private practice setting.