Milacidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) : systematic monograph

In trod u ction ..............................................................................................................................................................155 I. General p a r t .............................................................................................................................................. 156 1. M o rp h o lo g y ...................................................................................................................................................156 T axonom ic su itab ility of m orphological c h a r a c te r s ............................................................... 165 2. E cology and b ion om ics...........................................................................................................................165 3. D i s t r i b u t i o n ...............................................................................................................................................171 4. Origin and r e la t io n s h ip s .......................................................................................................................171 5. M ethods of collection , preservation, raising, p r e p a r a t io n ............................................... 174 II. The key to M ila c id a e ....................................................... 177 II I . System atic p a r t ..........................................................................................................................................183 Milacidae E l l i s , 1926 ....................................................................................................................... 183 Milax G ra y , 1855 184 M ilax aegaeicus W ik to r et M y lo n a s , 1986 ....................................................................... 186 M ilax altenai F o r c a r t , 1972 ........................................................................................................ 190 M ilax ater (C o ll in g e , 1 8 9 5 ) ......................................................................................................... 193 M ilax barypus B o u r g u ig n a t , 1866 ........................................................................................... 196 Milax caucasicus (S im ro th , 1 9 1 2 ) .....................................................................................................200 M ilax gagates (D ra p a rn a u d , 1 8 0 1 ) ........................................................................................... 202 Milax gasulli A l t e n a , 1974 ......................................................................................................... 206 Milax monstruosus W ik to r , 1986 208 „Paliszolia” monterosati B o u r g u ig n a t , 1877 ................................................................... 211 M ilax nigricans (S c h u lz , 1 8 3 6 ) .................................................................................................... 211 Milax parvulus W ik to r , 1968 ..................................................................................................... 214 Milax riedeli W ik to r , 1986 ......................................................................................................... 215 Milax verrucosus W ik to r , 1969 .................................................................................................... 218