~ NJ 07974 Abstract - This paper addresses the problem of simukating transition faults in synchronous sequential circuits. After presenting the concept of the transition fault modell for sequential circuits, we present a fault simulation algorithm for transition faults. The algorithm is a modification of PROOFS, a parallel, differential fault simulation algorithm for stuck faults. A novel fault injection technique is pro- posed. Experimental results show that neither a comprehen- sive functional verification sequence nor a test sequence gen- erated by a sequential circuit test generator for stucck-at faults produces a high fault coverage for transition faults. and finite state machine (FSM) synthesis for delay testabil- ity was adtlressedl. A known reset state is required. The method has limited capability of handling large circuits, because it Icquires the extraction of the complete or partial state transition graph. The approach suggested in 1131 assumes that the circuit is fault-free in the initialization and fault propagation phases. This suggestion is valid if the clock is applied alt a lower speed during the initialization and the fault propagation phases and is applied at a rated speed during the fault activation phase. Slow clock for ini- tialization ,and fault propagation is also assumed in (12). To the author's Icnowledge, no delay-fault simulator €or sequential circuits has been reported before. In this paper, we address the problem of simulating transition faults in sequential circuits. We first enhance the transition fault model for the gate-delay faults and the stuck-open faults in synchronous sequential circuits. We assume the input vectors and clock are applied at speed and at a fixed interval during test application. The primary outputs are: also observed at a fixed interval. We use a transition fault of size n clock cycles to model the defects that cause im extra delay of n clock cycles to a transition. We present a fault simulation algorithm for the proposed fault model. Fault simulation results on the ISCAS-89 sequential benchmark circuits are presented in Section 5.
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