철도터널 굴착 시 강관보강 그라우팅 품질관리 기법에 관한 연구

When we construct a railroad tunnel excavation, the quality control points of the reinforced-rod auto-grouting method grouting pressure(p), flow quantity(q) and injection radius(r). To record and manage pressure(p) and speed(q) of grouting autographic devices such as integration flow-meter usually record data in a roll of paper. Integration flow-meter can record grouting flow quantity exactly, but the recorded pressures differ from the any basis such as initial, intermediate and final point. Therefore, it has been argued that is a need of reliable method to describe the connection between the pressure recorded by an integration flow-meter and the special properties of the grouting target ground. Auto-grouting method can describe the reliable connection between the grouting pressure and the special properties of the grouting target ground. So, in this paper by using auto-grouting method, we are going to secure basis of quality control techniques during railroad tunnel excavation.