Service Quality: New Directions in Theory and Practice

Service Quality - Roland T Rust and Richard L Oliver Insights and Managerial Implications From the Frontier PART ONE: DEFINING SERVICE QUALITY The Nature of Customer Value - Morris B Holbrook An Axiology of Services in the Consumption Experience Encounter Satisfaction Versus Overall Satisfaction Versus Quality - Mary Jo Bitner and Amy R Hubbert The Customer's Voice PART TWO: FORMING SERVICE QUALITY EXPECTATIONS Price and Advertising and Market Signals for Service Quality - Jan-Benedict E M Steenkamp and Donna L Hoffman How Do Consumers Predict Service Quality - Valerie S Folkes What Do They Expect? PART THREE: QUALITY IN SERVICE PERFORMANCE Managing Services When the Service Is a Performance - John Deighton Beyond Smiling - Mara B Adelman, Aaron Ahuvia and Cathy Goodwin Social Support and Service Quality PART FOUR: THE IMPACT OF SERVICE QUALITY Linking Customer Satisfaction to Service Operations and Outcomes - Ruth N Bolton and James H Drew On the Measurement of Perceived Service Quality - Wayne S DeSarbo et al A Conjoint Analysis Approach PART FIVE: THE FUTURE OF SERVICE QUALITY Explanations for the Growth of Services - Steven M Shugan A Customer Satisfaction Research Prospectus - Eugene W Anderson and Claes Fornell