Navy S&T in FORCENet Assessment

Abstract : Naval Power 21 articulates the current and future naval vision and operating concepts. This vision describes FORCEnet as the integration of warriors, sensors, weapons, networks, and platforms. The CNO, in many public statements, has said that FORCEnet, as an element of Sea Power 21, will exploit emerging new technologies in communications, networking, and other areas, as well as fielded systems, to link the Sea Power 21 warfighting pillars of Sea Strike, Sea Shield, and Sea Basing. The Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition (ASN/RDA) requested that the Naval Research Advisory Committee (NRAC) conduct a study of the science and technology (S&T) requirements for FORCEnet. Although the initial goal of the study was to explore the S&T underpinning for FORCEnet, the Panel found it necessary, because of the embryonic state of FORCEnet, to first evaluate the effectiveness of Navy efforts to define the FORCEnet vision and the implementation plans. In this report the Panel reviews the definition of FORCEnet, examines the progress achieved at this early stage, assesses current S&T development relevant to FORCEnet, makes recommendations for technology investment, and proposes a proactive approach to the structure and management of the FORCEnet effort.