Serological Evidence of Exposure to Saint Louis Encephalitis and West Nile Viruses in Horses of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Infections with arboviruses are reported worldwide. Saint Louis encephalitis (SLEV) and West Nile viruses (WNV) are closely related flaviviruses affecting humans and animals. SLEV has been sporadically detected in humans, and corresponding antibodies have been frequently detected in horses throughout Brazil. WNV was first reported in western Brazil over a decade ago, has been associated with neurological disorders in humans and equines and its prevalence is increasing nationwide. Herein, we investigated by molecular and serological methods the presence or evidence of SLEV and WNV in equines from Rio de Janeiro. A total of 435 serum samples were collected from healthy horses and tested for specific neutralizing antibodies by plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT90). Additionally, serum and central nervous system samples from 72 horses, including horses with neurological disorders resulting in a fatal outcome or horses which had contact with them, were tested by real-time reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) for both viruses. Adopting the criterion of four-fold antibody titer difference, 89 (20.4%) horses presented neutralizing antibodies for SLEV and five (1.1%) for WNV. No evidence of SLEV and WNV infection was detected by RT-qPCR and, thus, such infection could not be confirmed in the additional samples. Our findings indicate that horses from Rio de Janeiro were exposed to both SLEV and WNV, contributing to the current knowledge on the distribution of these viruses flaviviruses in Brazil.

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