Abstract The Aguero fanglomerate body developed in late Oligocene to early Miocene time at the northern margin of the Ebro Basin where the emergent southern Pyrenean thrust front created a topographic high. Tectonic activity in the thrust belt strongly influenced the sequences and structures within the fan deposits. The fan deposits display an initial coarsening-up sequence. Intraformational unconformities subdivide the proximal sediments into a series of wedges. These result from a continued uplift along the thrust front during the initial stages of fan development. A major intraformational unconformity marks the top of this sequence and the start of a fining-up sequence. Further tectonic activity in the thrust front is indicated by a syn-depositional synclinal fold which decreases in amplitude up sequence. Rejuvenation of fan sedimentation to form a second coarsening-up sequence reflects renewed activity in the thrust front. This second sedimentation event resulted in a plus 200 m thickness of massive conglomerates. The geographical limits of fan sedimentation can be determined because the fan deposits are lithologically distinct from the other Ebro Basin molasse in the area. The area of the drainage basin of the fan can also be estimated by consideration of the clast types present in the fan deposits. The fan and drainage basin areas are estimated to be 6 km2 and 10 km2 respectively.
L. Cabrera,et al.
Syntectonic intraformational unconformities in alluvial fan deposits, eastern Ebro Basin margins (NE Spain)
P. Câmara,et al.
Interpretación geodinámica de la vertiente centro-occidental surpirenaica (cuencas de Jaca-Tremp)
A. Heward.
Alluvial Fan Sequence and Megasequence Models: With Examples From Westphalian D — Stephanian B Coalfields, Northern Spain
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Lithofacies Types and Vertical Profile Models in Braided River Deposits: A Summary
O. Riba.
Syntectonic unconformities of the Alto Cardener, Spanish Pyrenees: a genetic interpretation☆
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La sedimentación molásica en la cuenca de Jaca
W. Bull.
Recognition of Alluvial Fan Deposits in the Stratigraphic Record
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Nuevos datos sobre Aquitaniense del N de la provincia de Huesca
L. Hardie.
The origin of the Recent non-marine evaporite deposit of Saline Valley, Inyo County, California
R. Hooke.
Steady-state relationships on arid-region alluvial fans in closed basins
C. Denny.
Alluvial fans in the Death Valley region, California and Nevada