Given a $k$-vertex graph $H$ and an integer $n$, what are the $n$-vertex graphs with the maximum number of induced copies of $H$? This question is closely related to the inducibility problem introduced by Pippenger and Golumbic in 1975, which asks for the maximum possible fraction of $k$-vertex subsets of an $n$-vertex graph that induce a copy of $H$. Huang, Lee and the first author proved that for a random $k$-vertex graph $H$, almost surely the graphs on any given number of vertices that maximize the number of induced copies of $H$ are the balanced iterated blow-ups of $H$. In this paper, we consider the case where the graph $H$ is obtained by deleting a small number of vertices from a random Cayley graph $\widetilde{H}$ of an abelian group. We prove that in this case, almost surely all graphs on a given number of vertices that maximize the number of induced copies of $H$ are balanced iterated blow-ups of $\widetilde{H}$. This can be viewed as an analogue to the conjectured behavior in the intensively studied but still open case of $H$ being a path on sufficiently many vertices.
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Maximum density of induced 5-cycle is achieved by an iterated blow-up of 5-cycle
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On the inducibility of cycles
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