Importance measures for multi-phase missions

Phased missions consist of consecutive operational phases where the system logic and failure parameters can change between phases. A component can have different roles in different phases and the reliability function may have discontinuities at phase boundaries. An earlier method required NOT-gates and negations of events when calculating importance measures for such missions with non-repairable components. This paper suggests an exact method that uses standard fault tree techniques and Boolean algebra without any NOT-gates or negations. The criticalities and other importance measures can be obtained for events and components relevant to a single phase or to a transition between phases or over the whole mission. The method and importance measures are extended to phased missions with repairable components. Quantification of the reliability, the availability, the failure intensity and the total number of failures are described. New importance indicators defined for repairable systems measure component contributions to the total integrated unavailability, to the mission failure intensity and to the total number of mission failures.