Vehicle behaviour in combined cornering and braking
This paper considers first the steady-state motions of a simple two- wheeled vehicle model having non-linear sideway force relationships with respect to tyre slip angle. It is shown that any steady-state conditions may be represented and their solutions found by simple graphical means, using only the non-linear curves. The curves can be modified to take into account the influence of vehicle parameters such as compliance, roll steer, wheel camber, and load transfer. Stability boundaries are discussed and criteria are presented showing that stability of the motion depends only on the slopes of the curves and the speed of the manoeuvre at the cornering acceleration being considered. A more involved four-wheeled vehicle model is then considered when subjected to braking while cornering on a fixed radius path of 45.8 m on a wet Bridport macadam surface. Actual sideway force-slip angle curves for combined braking and cornering, as presented by Holmes and Stone (1968), are used with the equations of motion derived for the quasi-steady state conditions of decelerating while cornering. The effects of front wheel steered angle and body slip angle on the forces necessary for the manoeuvre are also considered. An envelope of maximum cornering acceleration at various braking decelerations is presented. For the covering abstract see IRRD 863436.