Abstract : The study examines Air Force base-depot requisitioning pipeline times by segment, for selected ZI and overseas bases. It covers requisitions made during a six-week sample period in 1959, and shows that 69 per cent of them did not meet standards of resupply performance. As a result, a greater stock of serviceable assets was in the resupply pipeline than was planned for. The quantity of stock necessary to support the resupply pipeline is one of the dominant uncertainties in the computation of requirements for all Air Force spare parts. Until recently, only average pipeline figures were available. The study was undertaken to provide more pipeline data, and in greater detail, than were currently available. The authors arranged to have pipeline data collected from four ZI bases, three overseas bases, and three overseas rotational squadrons, with the help of base personnel and the cooperation of the four commands under which the various bases were operating. Data were also collected from the two supporting depots, three LOG-COM (Logistics-Communications) relay stations, and the Tulsa Network Control Center. (Author)