Mandibular reconstruction with osseointegrated implants into the free vascularized radius
Complete oral rehabilitation after oromandibular resection is a goal that is frequently difficult to attain. Poor speech, inability to eat a solid diet, and cosmetic deformity are all potential problems. The introduction of osseointegrated implants and free vascularized bone grafting are two techniques that have permitted improved results of oromandibular reconstruction. When used together they provide the best possibility for providing oral continence, a stable denture, and minimal cosmetic deformity. The free vascularized iliac crest has been used widely to reconstruct mandibular defects with the placement of enosseus implants. However, the radius provides a good alternative to reconstruct the mandible. We report four cases of mandibular reconstruction with the use of the free vascularized radius with subsequent placement of osseointegrated implants. The results of these cases suggest that enosseus implants can be used successfully in the radius. The radius is ideal to reconstruct small to moderate-sized defects of the lateral mandible with loss of oral mucosa.