Evaluation of the influence of manufacturing errors on the quality of sealing joints installation

In production process, the leading role belongs to installation as a final stage, where the main quality indicators, reliability and durability of the produced objects are formed. However, the analysis of machine building development trends in the recent years shows that even in such highly automated industries as automobile and tractor construction, in view of labor intensity, installation takes second place after machining. In the general structure of labor intensity of machine manufacture, it amounts to 35-60% of the total labor intensity and exceeds labor costs at all stages of production [1]. In machine building, about 25-30% of operations are mechanized, and no more than 5-6% of operations are automated [1]. Therefore, installation works are inefficient and expensive, resulting in the significant increase of the finished product cost and decrease of its quality. The subunits in the form of “elastic ring element – internal groove” gained traction. In production, O-rings are installed into the internal groove of the cylindrical surface of the part by hand. During installation, the ring rotates around the axis of its cross-section, and during product operation, a rapid (20-100 operations) burst of the seal and loss of tightness takes place, which leads to failure of the entire structure, and the need for its unscheduled repair, while a high standard seal installation provides 9 10 ... 3 10 5 ⋅ cycles [2]. Analysis of the causes of O-rings failure shows that about 30% of defects occur due to the damage of O-rings during installation. In the context of small-scale and medium-scale production, which is dominant in the domestic industry today, a high level of quality and efficiency of installation can be achieved through the development and introduction of new installation equipment. The works by Gusev A.A., Golubev A.I., Zhitnikov Yu.Z., Ishchenko A.L., Kondakov L.A., Mikhailov A.N., Shabaykovich V.A., Shereshevskiy A.N., Yampolskiy L.S., Yakhimovich V.A. and some others are devoted to the research in the field of automation of elastic O-rings installation. However, the issues of elastic ring deformation at the stages of installation, interworking and interference of the installed parts, the choice of rational positioning and installation equipment modularity were not fully investigated. The task of developing and researching the methods and means of installation acquires special significance if one * Corresponding author : atarahovsky@gmail.com © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). MATEC Web of Conferences 224, 01137 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201822401137 ICMTMTE 2018