System onchipFPGAdesigns ofaparameterized particle imagevelocimetry algorithm.
Particle imagevelocimetry algorithm Inthis paper, anefficient architecture forParticle Image Particle ImageVelocimetry (PIV)isa methodof Velocimetry algorithm isproposed Theaimofthis work imaging andanalysing flowfields (2). InthePIVmethod isthedesign ofa system ofchip FPGA thatcanbe particles areadded intheliquid orairfield offlowandthe adapted toapplication characteristics (size ofimage, speedanddirection ofmovement oftheparticles are pixel clock frequency ...).Fromthese specifications, the measured asshowninfigure 1. designer defines thesuitable numberofprocessing modules. Required resources andexecution timecanalso bepredicted before theimplementation process that makesthedesign flow faster andmoresecure.