Geological evolution of the tethys belt from the atlantic to the pamirs since the LIAS

Abstract We discuss nine palinspastic geological maps (Plates 1–9), at 1 20,000,000 scale, which depict the evolution of the Tethys belt from the Pliensbachian (190 Ma) to the Tortonian (10 Ma). A Present structural map (Plate 10) is shown for comparison at the same scale with the same conventions. Our reconstructions are based on a kinematic synthesis (Savostin et al., 1986), a paleomagnetic synthesis (Westphal et al., 1986) and geological compilations and analyses concerning in particular the western domain (Ricou et al., 1986), the eastern passive margins (Kazmin et al., 1986a), the eastern active margins (Kazmin et al., 1986b), the Black Sea-Caspian Sea basins (Zonenshain and Le Pichon, 1986) and the ophiolites (Knipper et al., 1986).

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