Design of Multi-Agent Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Design of Multi-Agent Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems Research of two fields, namely agent oriented software engineering and intelligent tutoring systems, have to be taken into consideration, during the design of multi-agent based intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). Thus there is a need for specific approaches for agent based ITS design, which take into consideration main ideas from both fields. In this paper we propose a top down design approach for multi-agent based ITSs. The proposed design approach consists of the two main stages: external design and internal design of agents. During the external design phase the behaviour of agents and interactions among them are designed. The following steps are done: task modelling and task allocation to agents, use case map creation, agent interaction design, ontology creation and holon design. During the external design phase agents and holons are defined according to the holonic multi-agent architecture for ITS development. During the internal design stage the internal structure of agents is specified. The internal structure of each agent is represented in the specific diagram, called internal view of the agent, consisting of agent's actions and interactions among them, rules for incoming message and perception processing, incoming and outgoing messages, and beliefs of the agent. The proposed approach is intended to be a part of the full life cycle methodology for multi-agent based ITS development. The approach is developed using the same concepts as JADE agent platform and is suitable for agent code generation from the design diagrams.