An examination of urban heat island characteristics in a global climate model

A parameterization for urban surfaces has been incorporated into the Community Land Model as part of the Community Climate System Model. The parameterization allows global simulation of the urban environment, in particular the temperature of cities and thus the urban heat island. Here, the results from climate simulations for the AR4 A2 emissions scenario are presented. Present‐day annual mean urban air temperatures are up to 4 °C warmer than surrounding rural areas. Averaged over all urban areas resolved in the model, the heat island is 1.1 °C, which is 46% of the simulated mid‐century warming over global land due to greenhouse gases. Heat islands are generally largest at night as evidenced by a larger urban warming in minimum than maximum temperature, resulting in a smaller diurnal temperature range compared to rural areas. Spatial and seasonal variability in the heat island is caused by urban to rural contrasts in energy balance and the different responses of these surfaces to the seasonal cycle of climate. Under simulation constraints of no urban growth and identical urban/rural atmospheric forcing, the urban to rural contrast decreases slightly by the end of the century. This is primarily a different response of rural and urban areas to increased long‐wave radiation from a warmer atmosphere. The larger storage capacity of urban areas buffers the increase in long‐wave radiation such that urban night‐time temperatures warm less than rural. Space heating and air conditioning processes add about 0.01 W m−2 of heat distributed globally, which results in a small increase in the heat island. The significant differences between urban and rural surfaces demonstrated here imply that climate models need to account for urban surfaces to more realistically evaluate the impact of climate change on people in the environment where they live. Copyright © 2010 Royal Meteorological Society

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