We have proposed a new shallow trench isolation (STI) process using flowable oxide (F-oxide) chemical vapor deposition (CVD) for DRAM application and it was successfully developed. The combination of F-oxide CVD and HDP CVD is thought to be the superior STI gap-filling process for next generation DRAM fabrication because F-oxide not only improves STI gap-filling capability, but also the reduced local stress by F-oxide in narrow trenches leads to decrease in junction leakage and gate induced drain leakage (GIDL) current. Finally, this process increased data retention time of DRAM compared to HDP STI. However, a serious failure occurred by symphonizing its structural dependency of deposited thickness with poor resistance against HF chemicals. It could be suppressed by reducing the flow time during F-oxide deposition. It was investigated collectively in terms of device yield. In conclusion, the combination of F-oxide and HDP oxide is the very promising technology for STI gap filling process of sub-100nm DRAM technology.
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