Temporal collaborative filtering with adaptive neighbourhoods

Collaborative Filtering aims to predict user tastes, by minimising the mean error produced when predicting hidden user ratings. The aim of a deployed recommender system is to iteratively predict users' preferences over a dynamic, growing dataset, and system administrators are confronted with the problem of having to continuously tune the parameters calibrating their CF algorithm. In this work, we formalise CF as a time-dependent, iterative prediction problem. We then perform a temporal analysis of the Netflix dataset, and evaluate the temporal performance of two CF algorithms. We show that, due to the dynamic nature of the data, certain prediction methods that improve prediction accuracy on the Netflix probe set do not show similar improvements over a set of iterative train-test experiments with growing data. We then address the problem of parameter selection and update, and propose a method to automatically assign and update per-user neighbourhood sizes that (on the temporal scale) outperforms setting global parameters.