The infrared emission spectrum of SiN between 2.2 and 4.4 μm
The emission spectrum of a plasma of silane and nitrogen, excited by a radio frequency discharge, has been recorded with a high resolution Fourier transform spectrometer. We report here the first observation by IR spectroscopy of the X 2 Σ+ (v=1, 2) and A 2 Πi (v=2, 3, 4) vibrational levels of 28Si14N, through the observation of 724 unperturbed transitions of the (1-0), (2-0), (2-1), (3-1), and (4-2) vibronic bands of the A 2 Πi – X 2 Σ+ system of this radical. The data were analyzed in a least squares fit procedure, with a standard deviation equal to 6×10-4 cm-1.