End-to-end Framework for Fusion Integrated Simulation (EFFIS)

Submitted for the DPP10 Meeting of The American Physical Society End-to-end Framework for Fusion Integrated Simulation (EFFIS) S. KLASKY, ORNL, H. ABBASI, C.S. CHANG, J. CUMMINGS, C. DOCAN, Q. LIU, M. PARASHAR, N. PODHORSZKI, K. SCHWAN, A. SHOSHANI, R. TCHOUA, M. WOLF, F. ZHAN, F. ZHENG, CPES COLLABORATION — EFFIS is a set of tools developed for working with large-scale simulations. EFFIS is used by researchers in the Center for Plasma Edge Simulation, as well as many other areas of science. EFFIS is composed of services including adaptable I/O, workflows, dashboards, visualization, code coupling, wide-area data movement, and provenance capturing. One of the unique aspects of EFFIS is that it transparently allows users to switch from code coupling on disk to coupling in memory, using the concept of a shared space in a staging area. The staging area is a small fraction of the compute nodes needed to run the large-scale simulation, but it is used for the construction of I/O pipelines and a code-coupling infrastructure. This allows the scientist to make minor changes for the code to work with ADIOS), and then with no changes perform complex transformations, and analytics, which all occur in situ with the simulation. In this talk, we will focus on the technologies CPES uses, which are scalable and can be used on anything from workstations to petascale machines.