Design ofa Parallel Coupled Microstrip LineBandpass Filter on the R04003C Substrate

Thispaper describes theimprovement ofthe artwork foramicrowave circuit inorder tohavethe dimensions ofthedesired physical realization. In highlighting thegeneral modification, a fifth order parallel edge-coupled bandpass filter isdesigned and analyzed. Thefilter design, inmostcases, iscomplicated bythepresence ofthephysical constraint astheresulting artwork isnoteasily fabricated. Hence,thefilter is designed tohavematching stubs inorder toeasethe circuit fabrication. Indesigning thecircuit, electronics design automation tool withfilter synthesis wizard and optimizing features isused. Thecircuit isimplemented onmicrostrip line technology andR04003C® substrate isused. w~~~~ T/ ~~~~L

[1]  P.I. Richards,et al.  Resistor-Transmission-Line Circuits , 1948, Proceedings of the IRE.