Modeling a class of 3-D objects using cycles of a graph

Abstract This paper describes a new multiple-view representation scheme for modeling 3-D planar faced objects. In this approach, each 3-D model is represented by a small set of 2-D views called the Distinct Region Views (DRV). These DRV's will comprise all the possible 2-D views of the 3-D model in the topological sense. Each DRV is decomposed into a complete set of cycles and a shape descriptor for each of the cycles is acquired. A four-level ordered rooted tree is employed to represent each 3-D model. The first level of the tree represents the object label, the second level represents all the possible DRV's, the third level represents the cycles of each DRV and the fourth level represents the shape descriptor of each cycle. The representation is suitable for recognizing 3-D objects from their 2-D views under situations such as missing lines, scaling and rotation differences and shape distortion.