Methods in cognitive linguistics

1. Contributors 2. Acknowledgements 3. Foreword (by Talmy, Leonard) 4. Introduction: The many faces of research in Cognitive Linguistics 5. I. Methods and motivations 6. Why cognitive linguists should care more about empirical methods (by Gibbs, Raymond) 7. They actually said that? An introduction to working with usage data through discourse and corpus analysis (by Mittelberg, Irene) 8. An introduction to experimental methods for language researchers (by Gonzalez-Marquez, Monica) 9. Inferential statistics in the context of empirical cognitive linguistics (by Nunez, Rafael) 10. II. Corpus and discourse analysis 11. Multiple empirical approaches to a complex analysis of discourse (by Waugh, Linda R.) 12. A case for a cognitive corpus linguistics (by Grondelaers, Stef) 13. III. Sign language and gesture 14. Empirical methods in signed language research (by Wilcox, Sherman) 15. Looking at space to study mental spaces: Co-speech gesture as a crucial data source in cognitive linguistics (by Sweetser, Eve) 16. Methodology for multimodality: One way of working with speech and gesture data (by Mittelberg, Irene) 17. IV. Behavioral research 18. Experimental methods for studying language and space (by Carlson, Laura A.) 19. Experimental methods for simulation semantics (by Bergen, Benjamin K.) 20. Experimental methods for studying the mental representation of language (by Hasson, Uri) 21. Eye movements in language and cognition: A brief introduction (by Richardson, Daniel C.) 22. Speaking for the wordless: Methods for studying the foundations of cognitive linguistics in infants (by Brandone, Amanda) 23. Experimental study of first and second language morphological processing (by Gor, Kira) 24. V. Neural approaches 25. Electrifying results: ERP data and cognitive linguistics (by Coulson, Seana) 26. Bridging language with the rest of cognition: Computational, algorithmic and neurobiological issues and methods (by Edelman, Shimon) 27. Index