CW blue laser emission by second harmonic generation of 900nm oscillation of Nd-doped strontium and lanthanum aluminate (ASL)

Nd-doped strontium and lanthanum (ASL) crystals Sr1-xLax-yNdyMgxAl12-xO19 (0.05 ≤ x ≤ 0.5; y = 0.05) were grown by Czochralski pulling technique. Up to 1.67W of 900nm IR output laser power for an absorbed power of 2.53W was obtained under Ti:sapphire pumping at 792nm. Intracavity second harmonic generation experiments led to 320mW of blue laser power at 450nm with a 10mm-long BiB3O6 nonlinear crystal. Other nonlinear crystals were also evaluated such as LBO.