Nickel in Plants: II. Distribution and Chemical Form in Soybean Plants.

The gross tissue distribution, intracellular fate, and chemical behavior of Ni(2+) in soybean plants (Glycine max cv. Williams) were investigated. Following root absorption, Ni was highly mobile in the plant, with leaves being the major sink in the shoots for Ni during vegetative growth. A senescence >70% of the Ni present in the shoot was remobilized to seeds. Fractionation of root and leaf tissues showed >90% of the Ni to be associated with the soluble fraction of tissues; ultrafiltration of the solubles showed >77% of the Ni to be associated with the 10,000 to 500 molecular weight components of both roots and leaves. Chemical characterization of the soluble components (10,000 to 500 and >500 molecular weight) by thin layer chromatography and electrophoresis resolved a number of Ni-containing organic complexes. Major Ni-containing components formed in the root are transported in the xylem stream, and undergo partial modification on deposition in leaves. Nickel accumulated in seeds is primarily associated with the cotyledons. Chemical fractionation of cotyledon components showed 80% of the Ni to be associated with the soluble whey fraction, while 70% of this fraction was composed of Ni-containing components with molecular weight <10,000.