sistem pelayanan satu pintu secara nasional yang terintegrasi secara elektronik, mulai beroperasi pada tahun 2010 di beberapa pelabuhan utama Indonesia DB 2011:Indonesia reduced the time to export by launching a single-window service. DB 2011:Israel is expanding its electronic data interchange system and developing a single-window framework, allowing easier assembly of documents required by different authorities and reducing the time to trade. DB 2011:Madagascar improved communication and coordination between customs and the terminal port operators through its single-window system (GASYNET), reducing both the time and the cost to export and import. Positive DB 2009: The country sped trade by implementing an electronic data interchange system, a single window which interfaces with the existing customs system, the port, the private container terminal operator, the commercial banks, the Central Bank, and the Treasury, risk-based inspections, and port improvements. These changes cut the time to import by close to three weeks and the time to export by five days. Positive DB 2008:Port authorities implemented an electronic data interchange system and privatized port terminal handling, injecting much needed capital and operational expertise. These changes and a streamlining of documentation requirements helped increase productivity and reduce the export time.