Identifying key priorities in support to the EU Macro-regional Strategies implementation – An ex-ante assessment for the Adriatic-Ionian and Alpine regions focusing on clean growth in transport and bioenergy

Muntean, M., Van Dingenen, R., Monforti-Ferrario, F., Scarlat, N., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Hjorth, J., Bernabei, C., Skoniezki, P., Norcini Pala, A., Coppola, P., Vizcaino Martinez, P., Jacobs-Crisioni, C., Lavalle, C., Kompil, M., Armengaud, A., Trozzi, C., Contini, D., Twrdy, E., Psaraftis, H., De Gennaro, M., Paffumi, E., Martini, G., Marelli, L., Giuntoli, J., Ntziachristos, L., Antoniou, C., Meyer, M., Santa, U., Rroco, E., Motola, V., Cosic, B., Rutz, D., Ziron, M., Weissinger, A., Camia, A., Martinov, M., Jelavic, V., Garbolino, E.

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