Effectiveness Evaluation of Deep Features for Image Reconstruction from fMRI Signals

Reconstruction of human cognitive contents based on analyzing of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) signals has been actively researched. Cognitive contents such as seen images can be reconstructed by estimating the relation between fMRI signals and deep neural network (DNN) features extracted from seen images. In order to reconstruct seen images with high accuracy, translation fMRI signals into meaningful features is an important task. In this paper, we validate the reconstruction accuracy of seen images by using visual features with some DNN feature extraction models. Recent works for image reconstruction used VGG19 to extract visual features. However, newer models such as Inception-v3 and ResNet50 have been proposed and these models perform general object recognition with higher accuracy. Thus it is expected the accuracy of image reconstruction is improved when using features extracted by these newer models. Experimental results for images of five categories show the effectiveness of the use of visual features from newer DNN models.

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