A Roadmap for Using the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Support of Science, Policy, and Action
A. Cazenave | V. Masson‐Delmotte | R. Devillers | W. Cheung | L. Bopp | J. Barbière | J. Heymans | A. Gaye | C. Moulin | H. Pörtner | S. Aricò | M. Visbeck | C. Bowler | R. Watson | A. Zivian | A. Turra | L. Mullineaux | E. Escobar-Briones | Nathalie Hilmi | F. Ménard | P. Haugan | J. Uku | J. Claudet | P. Miloslavich | D. Bailly | N. Matz-Lück | F. Gaill | M. Sicre | Antoine Pebayle | S. Thiébault | R. Troublé | Torsten Thiele | A. Euzen | P. Ricard | V. Brun | M. Araújo | R. Santos | C. Barnerias | I. Ansorge | C. Diver | Norma Patricia Muñoz | R. Parmentier | Silva Osvaldina | Romain Troublé