Vision Interface - real world applications of computer vision - preface
Adaptive Gabor filters for phase-based disparity estimation, B. Crespi and G. Tecchiolli a fast rule-based parameter free discrete Hough transform, B.M.A. Genswein and Y.-H. Yang unsupervised segmentation of 3D and 2D seismic reflection data, K. Koster and M. Spann extraction of handwritten data from noisy gray-level images using a multiscale approach, M. Cheriet robust mosaicing using Zernike moments, F. Badra et al 3D image understanding and recognition in virtual environment, P.S.P. Wang an integrated linear technique for pose estimation from different geometric features, Q. Ji et al on the recovery of motion and structure when cameras are not calibrated, B.S. Boufama towards the self-calibration of a multiview radiographic imaging system for the 3D reconstruction of the human spine and rib cage, F. Cheriet et al image flow estimation using facet model and covariance propagation, M. Ye and R.M. Haralick robust motion trajectory estimation for long image sequences with applications to motion compensated prediction, D. Gibson and M. Spann image processing for Internet applications, P.W. Wong.