The problem of associating data from three spatially distributed heterogeneous sensors with three simultaneous detections for all three is discussed. The sensors can be active or passive. The source of a detection can be either a real target, in which case the measurement is the true observation variable of the target plus measurement noise, or a spurious one, i.e. a false alarm. The sensors may have nonunity detection probabilities. The problem is to associate the measurements from sensors to identify the real targets, and to obtain their position estimates. Mathematically this leads to a generalized 3D assignment problem, which is known to be NP-hard. An algorithm suited for estimating the positions of a large number of targets in a dense cluster, using a fast, but nearly optimal, 3D assignment algorithm, is presented. Performance results for several representative test cases with 64 targets are presented. >
Y. Bar-Shalom,et al.
An S-dimensional assignment algorithm for track initiation
[Proceedings 1992] IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering.
Y. Bar-Shalom,et al.
A new relaxation algorithm and passive sensor data association
Krishna R. Pattipati,et al.
Comparison of assignment algorithms with applications to the passive sensor data association problem
Proceedings. ICCON IEEE International Conference on Control and Applications.
Aubrey B. Poore,et al.
A New Class of Methods for Solving Data Association Problems Arising from Multiple Target Tracking
1991 American Control Conference.