Introduction to the special issue: On wordnets and relations

Since its inception a quarter century ago, Princeton WordNet [PWN] (Miller 1995; Fellbaum 1998) has had a profound influence on research and applications in lexical semantics, computational linguistics and natural language processing. The numerous uses of this lexical resource have motivated the building of wordnets in several dozen languages, including even a ‘‘dead’’ language, Latin. This special issue looks at certain aspects of wordnet construction and organisation. There are diverse methods of wordnet construction, relying on different underlying theories. The most common method is to translate PWN, using corpora and bilingual or multilingual dictionaries to assist in transferring the structure from the source to the target wordnet. Translation, however, does not do justice to the many lexical, semantic and typological cross-lingual differences. Non-trivial

[1]  Claudia Kunze Semantics of Verbs within GermaNet and EuroWordNet , 1999 .

[2]  Bolette S. Pedersen,et al.  Enriching a wordnet from a thesaurus , 2013 .

[3]  Márton Miháltz,et al.  Automatism and User Interaction: Building a Hungarian WordNet , 2002, LREC.

[4]  Lars Trap-Jensen,et al.  DanNet: the challenge of compiling a wordnet for Danish by reusing a monolingual dictionary , 2009, Lang. Resour. Evaluation.

[5]  Christiane Fellbaum,et al.  Book Reviews: WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database , 1999, CL.

[6]  Markus Forsberg,et al.  Nordic and Baltic wordnets aligned and compared through "WordTies" , 2013, NODALIDA.

[7]  Heshaam Faili,et al.  Automatic Persian WordNet Construction , 2010, COLING.

[8]  Pushpak Bhattacharyya,et al.  Automatic Evaluation of Wordnet Synonyms and Hypernyms , 2008 .

[9]  Jordan L. Boyd-Graber,et al.  Adding dense, weighted connections to WordNet , 2005 .

[10]  Jyrki Niemi,et al.  Extending and Updating the Finnish Wordnet , 2012, Shall We Play the Festschrift Game?.

[11]  Julio Gonzalo,et al.  Monolingual and bilingual dictionary approaches to the enrichment of the Spanish WordNet with adjectives , 2001 .

[12]  Izabella Thomas Maciej PIASECKI, Stanis?aw SZPAKOWICZ, Bartosz BRODA, « A Wordnet from the Ground Up », Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroc?awskiej , 2010 .

[13]  Martha Palmer,et al.  Verbnet: a broad-coverage, comprehensive verb lexicon , 2005 .

[14]  Helmut Feldweg,et al.  GermaNet - a Lexical-Semantic Net for German , 1997 .

[15]  Maciej Piasecki,et al.  A Wordnet from the ground up , 2009 .

[16]  Kemal Oflazer,et al.  Building a wordnet for Turkish , 2004 .

[17]  James Pustejovsky,et al.  The Generative Lexicon , 1995, CL.

[18]  George A. Miller,et al.  WordNet: A Lexical Database for English , 1995, HLT.

[19]  Gerhard Weikum,et al.  WWW 2007 / Track: Semantic Web Session: Ontologies ABSTRACT YAGO: A Core of Semantic Knowledge , 2022 .

[20]  Špela Vintar,et al.  Enriching Slovene WordNet with domain-specific terms , 2011 .

[21]  Piek Vossen,et al.  EuroWordNet: A multilingual database with lexical semantic networks , 1998, Springer Netherlands.