Evolutionary Algorithms for Wireless Communications — A Review of the State-of-the art

Several evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have emerged in the past decade that mimic biological entities behavior and evolution. Darwin’s theory of evolution is the major inspiration source for EAs. The foundation of Darwin’s theory of evolution is natural selection. The study of evolutionary algorithms began in the 1960s. Several researchers independently developed three mainstream evolutionary algorithms, namely, genetic algorithms [1, 2], evolutionary programming [3], and evolution strategies [4]. EAs are widely used for the solution of single and multi-objective optimization problems. Swarm Intelligence (SI) algorithms are also a special type of EAs. SI can be defined as the collective behavior of decentralized and selforganized swarms. SI algorithms among others include Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [5], Ant Colony Optimization [6], and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) [7].

[1]  Athanasios V. Vasilakos,et al.  A modified differential evolution-based combined routing and sleep scheduling scheme for lifetime maximization of wireless sensor networks , 2015, Soft Comput..

[2]  V. Duraisamy,et al.  Ant Optimized Link Quality for Ad Hoc on Demand Distance Vector , 2014, Wirel. Pers. Commun..

[3]  Jen-Shiun Chiang,et al.  Urban area propagation path loss reduction by dynamic differential evolution algorithm , 2014, 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG).

[4]  Xuxun Liu,et al.  A Transmission Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Ant Colony Optimization With Unconventional Characteristics , 2014, IEEE Communications Letters.

[5]  Xuxun Liu,et al.  Ant colony optimization with greedy migration mechanism for node deployment in wireless sensor networks , 2014, J. Netw. Comput. Appl..

[6]  S. Radhakrishnan,et al.  An ant colony‐based, receiver‐initiated multicast mesh protocol for collaborative applications of mobile ad hoc networks , 2014, Trans. Emerg. Telecommun. Technol..

[7]  Feng Liang,et al.  Minimum distance clustering algorithm based on an improved differential evolution , 2014, Int. J. Sens. Networks.

[8]  Mingyan Jiang,et al.  Dynamic Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks by an Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm , 2014 .

[9]  Zhong Li,et al.  An QoS Algorithm Based on ACO for Wireless Sensor Network , 2013, 2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications & 2013 IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing.

[10]  Fadhel M. Ghannouchi,et al.  A PSO Based Memory Polynomial Predistorter With Embedded Dimension Estimation , 2013, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting.

[11]  Athanasios V. Vasilakos,et al.  Multi-user detection in multi-carrier CDMA wireless broadband system using a binary adaptive differential evolution algorithm , 2013, GECCO '13.

[12]  Ping Zhang,et al.  Reconfiguration Decision Making Based on Ant Colony Optimization in Cognitive Radio Network , 2013, Wirel. Pers. Commun..


[14]  Taufik Abrão,et al.  Lattice reduction aided detector for dense MIMO via ant colony optimization , 2013, 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC).

[15]  R. A. Vatti,et al.  ACO Based Routing Algorithms for Ad-hoc Network (WSN, MANETs): A Survey , 2013, 2013 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies.

[16]  Wei Zhang,et al.  Spectrum Sharing with Limited Channel Feedback , 2013, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

[17]  Qian Huan-yan,et al.  Anycast Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Artificial Bee Colony , 2013 .

[18]  Liang Qing,et al.  Wireless Sensor Networks Node Localization Algorithm Based on Improved ABC Algorithm , 2013 .

[19]  Jie Zhu,et al.  Genetic Algorithm for Energy-Efficient QoS Multicast Routing , 2013, IEEE Communications Letters.

[20]  Xuxun Liu,et al.  Sensor Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Ant Colony Optimization with Three Classes of Ant Transitions , 2012, IEEE Communications Letters.

[21]  Wei Xiong,et al.  An Improved ABC-Based Node Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network , 2012, 2012 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing.

[22]  Symeon Chatzinotas,et al.  Generic Optimization of Linear Precoding in Multibeam Satellite Systems , 2011, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

[23]  Zhenhong Jia,et al.  The Applications in Channel Assignment Based on Cooperative Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm , 2012 .

[24]  Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez,et al.  Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm applied to WiMAX network planning problem , 2011, 2011 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications.

[25]  J. N. Sahalos,et al.  Sparse Linear Array Synthesis With Multiple Constraints Using Differential Evolution With Strategy Adaptation , 2011, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.

[26]  Hao Guo,et al.  Real-Time Estimation of Sensor Node's Position Using Particle Swarm Optimization With Log-Barrier Constraint , 2011, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

[27]  Wei Cheng,et al.  An Elitism Strategy Based Genetic Algorithm for Streaming Pattern Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks , 2011, IEEE Communications Letters.

[28]  Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy,et al.  Particle Swarm Optimization in Wireless-Sensor Networks: A Brief Survey , 2011, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews).

[29]  Jenn-Kaie Lain,et al.  Joint Transmit/Receive Antenna Selection for MIMO Systems: A Real-Valued Genetic Approach , 2011, IEEE Communications Letters.

[30]  Sam Kwong,et al.  Gbest-guided artificial bee colony algorithm for numerical function optimization , 2010, Appl. Math. Comput..

[31]  Sotirios K. Goudos,et al.  Application of a Differential Evolution Algorithm with Strategy Adaptation to the Design of Multi-Band Microwave Filters for Wireless Communications , 2010 .

[32]  Yajun Wang,et al.  A PAPR Reduction Method Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for OFDM Signals , 2010, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

[33]  Jenn-Kaie Lain,et al.  Near-MLD MIMO Detection Based on a Modified Ant Colony Optimization , 2010, IEEE Communications Letters.

[34]  Xiaofeng Tao,et al.  Resource Allocation in Multiuser OFDM System Based on Ant Colony Optimization , 2010, 2010 IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference.

[35]  Manuel López-Ibáñez,et al.  Ant colony optimization , 2010, GECCO '10.

[36]  John N. Sahalos,et al.  Cell-to-switch assignment in cellular networks using barebones particle swarm optimization , 2010, IEICE Electron. Express.

[37]  Lajos Hanzo,et al.  Minimum bit error rate multiuser transmission designs using particle swarm optimisation , 2009, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

[38]  Zhen Peng,et al.  Cognitive radio spectrum allocation using evolutionary algorithms , 2009, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

[39]  P. N. Suganthan,et al.  Differential Evolution Algorithm With Strategy Adaptation for Global Numerical Optimization , 2009, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation.

[40]  Wen-Hsien Fang,et al.  Joint receive antenna selection and symbol detection for MIMO systems: a heterogeneous genetic approach , 2009, IEEE Commun. Lett..

[41]  Hoang-Yang Lu,et al.  Joint receive antenna selection and symbol detection for MIMO systems: a heterogeneous genetic approach , 2009, IEEE Communications Letters.

[42]  Russell C. Eberhart,et al.  An analysis of Bare Bones Particle Swarm , 2008, 2008 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium.

[43]  Thakshila Wimalajeewa,et al.  Optimal Power Scheduling for Correlated Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks via Constrained PSO , 2008, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

[44]  S. Koziel,et al.  Space Mapping With Multiple Coarse Models for Optimization of Microwave Components , 2008, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters.

[45]  Xin Yao,et al.  Assignment of cells to switches in a cellular mobile network using a hybrid Hopfield network-genetic algorithm approach , 2008, Appl. Soft Comput..

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[47]  Kevin J. Chen,et al.  Compact broadband dual-band bandpass filters using slotted ground structures , 2008 .

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