Evolutionary Algorithms for Wireless Communications — A Review of the State-of-the art
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[12] Ping Zhang,et al. Reconfiguration Decision Making Based on Ant Colony Optimization in Cognitive Radio Network , 2013, Wirel. Pers. Commun..
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[18] Liang Qing,et al. Wireless Sensor Networks Node Localization Algorithm Based on Improved ABC Algorithm , 2013 .
[19] Jie Zhu,et al. Genetic Algorithm for Energy-Efficient QoS Multicast Routing , 2013, IEEE Communications Letters.
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[24] Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez,et al. Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm applied to WiMAX network planning problem , 2011, 2011 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications.
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[26] Hao Guo,et al. Real-Time Estimation of Sensor Node's Position Using Particle Swarm Optimization With Log-Barrier Constraint , 2011, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
[27] Wei Cheng,et al. An Elitism Strategy Based Genetic Algorithm for Streaming Pattern Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks , 2011, IEEE Communications Letters.
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[32] Yajun Wang,et al. A PAPR Reduction Method Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for OFDM Signals , 2010, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
[33] Jenn-Kaie Lain,et al. Near-MLD MIMO Detection Based on a Modified Ant Colony Optimization , 2010, IEEE Communications Letters.
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