Process-Driven Modelling of Media Forensic Investigations-Considerations on the Example of DeepFake Detection

Academic research in media forensics mainly focuses on methods for the detection of the traces or artefacts left by media manipulations in media objects. While the resulting detectors often achieve quite impressive detection performances, when tested under lab conditions, hardly any of those have yet come close to the ultimate benchmark for any forensic method, which would be courtroom readiness. This paper tries first to facilitate the different stakeholder perspectives in this field and then to partly address the apparent gap between the academic research community and the requirements imposed onto forensic practitioners. The intention is to facilitate the mutual understanding of these two classes of stakeholders and assist with first steps intended at closing this gap. To do so, first a concept for modelling media forensic investigation pipelines is derived from established guidelines. Then, the applicability of such modelling is illustrated on the example of a fusion-based media forensic investigation pipeline aimed at the detection of DeepFake videos using five exemplary detectors (hand-crafted, in one case neural network supported) and testing two different fusion operators. At the end of the paper, the benefits of such a planned realisation of AI-based investigation methods are discussed and generalising effects are mapped out.

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