The development of knowledge based systems (KBSs) is facing the same problem as conventional software has been facing in the past. Obtaining the requirements (conditions or capabilities needed by the user to solve a problem or obtain an objective) and the specifications (contractual definitions of the system based on analysis of the user requirements) from the user has been one of the main problems in conventional software development. Proper system analysis and structured design have alleviated part of these problems [1]. By combining structured design methods such as KADS [2] with appropriate parts of conventional software design methodologies will at least be a good starting point for getting the specifications right. Since the system can not be better than the specifications the assessment of the system should start at an as early phase of the development as possible and hence be an integrated part of system development.
Christopher J. R. Green,et al.
Verification and validation of expert systems
Edward Yourdon,et al.
Managing the system life cycle
John F. Passafiume,et al.
Software testing and evaluation
Ronald R. Willis,et al.
Software quality engineering: a total technical and management approach
Ramón López de Mántaras,et al.
Validation Methods and Tools for Knowledge-Based Systems (VALID)
Wissensbasierte Systeme.
Barry W. Boehm,et al.
Software Engineering Economics
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.