Multicriteria selection in concept design of a divertor remote maintenance port in the EU DEMO reactor using an AHP participative approach

Abstract The work behind this paper took place in the Eurofusion remote maintenance system project (WPRM) for the EU Demonstration Fusion Power Reactor (DEMO). Following ITER, the aim of DEMO is to demonstrate the capability of generating several hundreds of MW of net electricity by 2050. The main objective of this paper was the study of the most efficient design of the maintenance port for replacing the divertor cassettes in a Remote Handling (RH) point of view. In DEMO overall design, one important consideration is the availability and short down time operations. The inclination of the divertor port has a very important impact on all the RH tasks such as the design of the divertor mover, the divertor locking systems and the end effectors. The current reference scenario of the EU DEMO foresees a 45° inclined port for the remote maintenance (RM) of the divertor in the lower part of the reactor. Nevertheless, in the optic of the systems engineering (SE) approach, in early concept design phase, all possible configurations shall be taken into account. Even the solutions which seem not feasible at all need to be investigated, because they could lead to new and innovative engineering proposals. The different solutions were compared using an approach based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The technique is a multi-criteria decision making approach in which the factors that are important in making a decision are arranged in a hierarchic structure. The results of these studies show how the application of the AHP improved and focused the selection on the concept which is closer to the requirements arose from technical meetings with the experts of the RH field.